Please use the comments area to add YOUR recollection of histori
cal events either side of the 1872 date, for example;
1908 Henry Ford's first Model T motor car rolls of the production line in Dearborn Michigan ushering in another epoch of mass production [remember the Colt 45?].
1746 Wired Monks
1844 May 24, Morse sends a telegram from Washington to Baltimore, the 1st message...'What hath God wrought! [He died July 1872, 7 weeks before Charles Todd connected the final piece of line, Aug 26 1872]
1857 16th August completion of the first transatlantic cable, Queen Victoria sends a telegram to president Buchanan.
1859 The solar superstorm of 1859 was the fiercest ever recorded. A
1859 The solar superstorm of 1859 was the fiercest ever recorded. A
uroras filled the sky as far South as the Caribbean, magnetic compasses went haywire and telegraph systems failed....
1861 US East West overland telegraph line completed
1872 Brigham Young is arrested for polygamy (28 wives).
1872 July 2, Samuel Morse [the father of open source software?] dies about 7 weeks before Charles Todd completes link for the Aussie overland telegraph line Aug 26 1872.
1872 July 2, Samuel Morse [the father of open source software?] dies about 7 weeks before Charles Todd completes link for the Aussie overland telegraph line Aug 26 1872.
1873 Eadweard Muybridge, yep the spelling is correct, settled a bet on whether the hoofs of a horse galloping are ever all in the air at once. Wagers aside, collaborating with John D. Isaacs, the resultant photographic apparatus ushered in the very start of that Leviathan we've all come to love, motion pictures. [Here's a great link to his work from a really good online Gallery; Artsy. Well worth a look]
1873 Jesse James and James Younger gang's 1st train robbery (Adair Iowa)
Mike Smith Archaeologist-environmental historian on Central Australia around 1870 []
If you can add to this article [Use Comments please] by suggesting important events that happened in this general milieu it will be appreciated.
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