Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Drilling Down.
The project is running along nicely now. Learners are busy researching their chosen topics and the ITC training is producing positive results. The Moodle/Elluminate sessions have been well received and having 'show and tell' sessions with Georgina in Adelaide has added a rich overlay onto the learning experience. Learners are more comfortable and confident manipulating media objects into PowerPoint [it's amazing how this has gone so quickly from cool to passe.]
The emerging educational issue now relates to the team condensing blocks of information into 'bite sized' chunks. Google is great but it gives one so much!. Getting learners to condense their information overloads into coherent chunks is an interesting and demanding exercise for me. As the data is Indigenously oriented I haven't the cred to make the call. But I must admit it's great to see students collaborating and debating what is important to the overall flow of the message.
Regarding Information Overload: we're starting to amass a small but growing pool of raw multimedia objects. [mp3, avi, mp4, gif, swf etc] What I could really use right now is a purpose built data base housing multimedia objects. I've a feeling that down the line as we move from our PowerPoint 'source-pool' into pod and vod-cast construction, we might have to use something like SQL to call these objects up. As, ultimately , we also want to have these multimedia objects 'on-call' as scorm compliant online learning 'chunks' the need for a database is growing. Anyone out there know of any applications that does this?

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